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Man, Woman, and the Order of Creation Conference, Franciscan University, October 24-26, 2024:
Dr. Savage is currently organizing a conference to be held at Franciscan University on October 24-26, 2024. The conference is on Man, Woman, and the Order of Creation. The event is being co-sponsored by the University and the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

The aim of the event is to offer a constructive account of the nature of the human person, embodied as man and woman, both in themselves and in relation to one another – and to illuminate the way in which their complementarity informs their mission in the family, the Church, and the world.

The Siena Symposium for Women, Family, and Culture

"In transforming culture so that it supports life, women occupy a place, in thought and action, which is unique and decisive. It ‌depends on them to promote a 'new feminism' which rejects the temptation of imitating models of 'male domination' in order to acknowledge and affirm the true genius of women in every aspect of the life of society and overcome all discrimination, violence and exploitation.”

- Pope St. John Paul II
Evangelium vitae, 99 -

Dr. Savage is the co-founder of the Siena Symposium for Women, Family, and Culture, an interdisciplinary think tank, organized to respond to Pope St. John Paul II’s call for a new and explicitly Christian feminism. It is housed at the University of St. Thomas. Dr. Savage served as the Director of the Symposium from its start but direct involvement had to pause when she left UST in 2021. The Symposium is now a part of the UST Law School’s Pro-Life Center, and directed by Professor Teresa Collett, J.D.

St. Catherine of Siena by Br. Robert Lentz, OFM, Courtesy of Trinity Stores, 800.699.4482

The Siena Symposium has spent a quarter-century dedicated to reshaping the dialogue on women, family, and culture. Learn about our groundbreaking work.

The Siena Symposium began in 2000 at the University of St. Thomas as a response to Pope St. John Paul II’s declaration, found most explicitly in his 1995 encyclical, Evangelium vitae, that it is up to women themselves to articulate a new and explicitly Christian feminism. Work is underway to establish a new presence for the Symposium at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Research and the social changes in the intervening years led the scholars involved to see the topic in the broader context of culture and its influence on family life and the life of faith. This vision is reflected in its formal name—the Siena Symposium for Women, Family, and Culture. The mission, too, changed as the focus moved to a pursuit of a faithful and philosophically robust understanding of the nature and mission of both woman and of man, the genius unique to each, and the complementarity that characterizes their relationship. In his Letter to Women (1995, 8), St. John Paul II affirms the importance of this work, declaring that it is this very complementarity that gives us our mission: to create not only families, but human history itself. Scripture’s call to take dominion over all the earth is given to both man and woman; it is to be carried out wherever they live, work, or pray together, not only in the home, but in the public square, and in the Church herself. We consider it our special privilege to convey the teachings of the Magisterium on these matters, in both our academic research and presentations and to the community through conferences and a variety of events. Indeed, all of our efforts are ordered toward grasping and transmitting the truths of the Catholic faith and the profound wisdom it embodies on the meaning of man and woman. We are persuaded that men and women are called to make history together and that, if that history is to constitute genuine progress toward authentic human flourishing, we must discover anew what it means to be truly human—rational creatures embodied as man and woman—with a shared responsibility to serve as stewards of the earth and its inhabitants.

The Symposium began as an interdisciplinary faculty group and was subsequently formally established in 2003 by professors of law, business, philosophy, and theology at the University of St. Thomas. Since then, the Board of Fellows grew to include members of other professional disciplines as well as practitioners in the field. As our name implies, we have put ourselves under the protection of St. Catherine of Siena, whose love for souls and impact on the culture of her own time is well known.

The Siena Symposium is distinguished by its two-fold engagement with the questions at the heart of our mission: we pursue both academic research and publications, as well as community and educational outreach to our constituents. We bring the results of our scholarly work to the public by organizing and sponsoring events, workshops, and symposia intended to advance an understanding of this growing body of knowledge. The topics are not limited to anthropological questions but extend to the meaning of family life and the need to encourage economic, social, legal, and cultural institutions that more fully respect the person.

*© St. Catherine of Siena, Robert Lentz, OFM, Courtesy of Trinity Stores

The Catholic Women's Forum

Dr. Savage is an active member and collaborator with The Catholic Women’s Forum at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., where she serves as a member of the Forum’s Advisory Council. The mission of the CWF is to amplify the voice of Catholic women – within the culture and the Church – in support of Catholic teachings. The Forum has held a number of very important symposia over the years, featuring the thought of many accomplished women from a variety of disciplines and walks of life, as they considered the questions most critically in need of thoughtful exploration. For more information on the CWF, visit https://catholicwomensforum.org.

In 2019, the Siena Symposium and the CWF co-sponsored an important conference on “Man and Woman in Dialogue: On Identity, Complementarity, and Mission.” For more information on that event, please visit https://catholicwomensforum.org/event/2019-symposium.